Featuring FENFAST 375, Phentramin-d

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Face to Face with Wilson's Disease and an Organ Transpant

IMNatural was launched for two reasons: 1. To provide natural supplements and products to help you feel better each day through Mind, Body & Spirit. 2nd and MOST importantly for our daughter Nicole.

In October of 2006, Nicole unexpectedly went into acute liver failure requiring an immediate liver transplant. We learned a few weeks after her transplant that she had suffered from a genetic disorder called Wilson's Disease. We had no clue she was ill until it was almost too late. Her symptoms presented just 4 days before going into complete liver failure.

Wilson's Disease effects the liver and the body's ability to process copper. Over 17 years of not processing copper resulted in her liver simply shutting down, quite rapidly might I add.

Within days, she went from being a perfectly normal 17-year-old to being placed on the Liver Transplant list. By the grace of God a new liver became available within 3 hours.

Nicole has fully recovered and the donated liver is functioning as it should. Now, 15 years post transplant, she is a fabulous Mother of 2 young children of her own.

Special request: If you are not already an Organ Donor, please register now.
Without organ donation, we would not have our daughter with us today nor my wonderful grandchildren.


It only takes a moment, please register today:


Thank you and
God Bless,

Jody Cranford
CEO, IMNatural

Our contact information

Mailing Address:
4045 Nolt Road
Mount Joy, PA 17552

By email:


Shipping Information:

Most products are shipped within 24 hours. If we are out of stock, you will be contacted by phone or email. All Items are shipped USPS First Class, or Priority 2-3 Day unless otherwise specified.

Refund, Return and Cancellation Policy: You may return any unopened/unused product within 30 days for a refund of the product price. Shipping fees are not refundable. If you are not satisfied with any product, please give us a call within 30 days and we'll work with you directly based on your individual needs.

Email info@IMNatural.com for return details.

Legal Disclaimer
Statements made by Company have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The FDA Dose not evaluate or test herbs. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Consult with your physician for diagnosis or treatment. Use herbs as per instructed by a physician and always watch for any allergic reactions.

The information presented on this site is not presented with the intention of diagnosing any disease or condition or prescribing any treatment. It is offered as information only, for use in the maintenance and promotion of good health in cooperation with a licensed medical practitioner.

In the event that any individual should use the information presented on this website without a licensed medical practitioner's approval, that individual will be diagnosing for him or herself.

No responsibility is assumed by the author, publisher or distributors of this information should the information be used in place of a licensed medical practitioner's services. No guarantees of any kind are made for the performance or effectiveness of the preparations mentioned on this website. Furthermore, this information is based solely on the traditional and historic use of a given herb, or on clinical trials that are generally not recognized by any US government agency or medical organization.

This information has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration, nor has it gone through the rigorous double-blind studies required before a particular product can be deemed truly beneficial or potentially dangerous and prescribed in the treatment of any condition or disease.

Herbal Safety Guidelines

Before using an herb you are unfamiliar with, find out its medicinal properties. Research it thoroughly and/or consult with an appropriately qualified practitioner or expert. If you are taking prescription drugs, or have a medical condition check with an appropriately qualified practitioner before using herbs medicinally. Herbs have shown overwhelming evidence that they work. Just because a small amount works well does NOT mean that more is better. As individuals we all have different constitutions, sensitivities, allergic reactions and possible health conditions. The following are merely guidelines. They include herbs offered on our websites. This list does not help with administering information on possible interactions and contraindications with prescription medicine. This needs to be discussed with your physician.

Should I check with my doctor or healthcare provider before using a supplement?

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IMNatural is an authorized retailer of all product lines represented.